Monday, October 15, 2018

The Chair is not empty...  The Chair, is not there...

It seems clear to me that the Chair of Peter is the Throne of Infallibility for the Papacy in Rome.

Almighty God made no such promise to always keep aflame the Divine light of Infallibility for all the world to see.  

He only promised a continued succession of a Papacy, were it to remain in the world.

This is not heresy, it is the tragic reality that Pope Pius IX warned us of, were we to reject the moral government of God in the Papacy.  

The Chair is not empty.  The Chair is not there...

Look, Peter was not confirmed in the faith when Christ rebuked him...

The Apostle Paul may have rebuked some fella named Simon, but it was NOT Saint Peter...

Jesus also prayed for Peter that his faith fail not.  Now, either His prayer was answered or it wasn’t...!!!

Peter’s faith NEVER FAILED. NEVER..!!!

The Roman’s know full well what real papal infallibility truly is.   And they are using it against an ignorant church of people who have no idea that the papacy has been taken away from them...!!!

Henry Cardinal Manning could see the storm coming when he made this description of the 
Vatican Council of 1870:

“The Council has thus made provision for the Church in its time of trial, when it may be, not only Ecumenical Councils cannot be held, but even the ordinary administration of ecclesiastical government and consultation may be hardly possible.

“Peters bark is ready for the storm. All that is needful is already on board. Past ages were wild and perilous, but the future bids fair to exceed them in violence, as a hurricane exceeds an ordinary storm. . . 

The Church has, therefore, its provision for faith and truth, unity and order. The floods may come, the rain descend, and the winds blow and beat upon it, but it cannot fall because it is founded upon Peter.”

(“The Vatican Council and its definitions”, pages 164-165, 1871 edition)

Behold the words of our humble Angelic Pope:

“We are determined to retain all the dominions of this Holy See and its rights whole, entire, and unviolated, and to transmit them to Our successors. We declare all usurpations to be unjust, violent, null, and void. We announce now that any acts committed by Our enemies and invaders to confirm these usurpations-either at the present time or in the future- are condemned by Us and null and invalid. Furthermore, We protest before God and the whole Catholic world that while detained in such captivity, We are unable to exercise Our supreme pastoral authority safely, expediently, and freely…

We declare openly, mindful of Our office and Our oath, that We will never assent to a conciliation or an agreement which in any way may destroy or diminish Our rights and therefore those of God and the Holy See. In like manner We confess that for the Church of Christ We are prepared, with the help of divine grace, to drink to the dregs that cup which the Lord first deigned to drink for Her. We will never accept and obey unjust demands which are presented to Us. 

And indeed as Our predecessor Pius VII said: 

“To do violence to this highest power of the Apostolic See, to disjoin its temporal authority and its spiritual power, to disassociate, separate by force and cut off the duties of Pastor and Prince, is nothing less than to overturn and destroy the work of God. It is nothing less than to attempt to inflict the greatest damage on religion and to deprive it of its most effective defense. Then the highest Ruler of the Church would be 
unable to offer help to the Catholics spread all over the earth, who request his help and support because of his spiritual power.”

Many may in danger of anathematizing themselves with this Sedevacantist position they are entertaining...

The Recognize and Resist camp see the truth of what I am saying, but fail to understand the true nature of Infallibility.  So they set out to insist that the Pope need not be obeyed because he could actually be a heretic himself.  And they inevitably destroy the Papacy in doing so. 

The Secevacantists will insist that the Chair of Peter could in fact be empty, but have mixed views on Papal Infallibility.  

What they all have failed to see, was the inevitable result of a world gone mad, in their utter rejection of the Divine right of God within human governments...

And a church that has no idea, that the Papacy has been taken away from them...

Please carefully review Pope Pius IX in his Infallible statement below...

It clearly forbids the idea that the Chair of Peter can be vacant.  It must be a perpetual line of successors.

“If then, any should deny that it is by the institution of Christ the Lord and by Divine right, that Blessed Peter should have a perpetual line of successors in the Primacy over the Universal Church, or that the Roman Pontiff' is the successor of Blessed Peter in this primacy; let him be anathema.”

This is not saying that that there will always be a Pope on the Chair of Peter.

It doesn’t say that.  Read it again...

It says that if anyone denies that Blessed Peter 'should' have a perpetual line of successors in the Primacy over the Universal Church... let him be anathema.


Almighty God NEVER assured you that there would always be a Pope...   

Pope Pius IX said that no one may deny that there “should” be a Pope, not that there necessarily “would” be one...!!!

The sin of presumption may get the best of you, if you don’t watch out.

I'm sorry to tell you, but Our Heavenly Father very well may chosen to take the Papacy away from us.  And there is nothing to stop Him from doing so.

This is the problem with all of the Sedevacantists...  

The Papacy MUST have a clear visible line of successors on the Chair.

Pope Pius IX clearly states that to separate the temporal and spiritual authority of the Papacy is to destroy the very work of God.  

He died a prisoner in the Vatican, holding out to the bitter end for the temporal authority, rather than compromise the truth and enjoy the pleasures of apostasy for a season.

As I have said previously, the whole world rejected the Papacy and its temporal authority, therefore the work of God in the Papacy was destroyed.  Our forefathers have called down this scourge of Divine judgement upon us.   

The Bishop of Portugal possessed no protection of infallibility, and had the Vatican had such protection in 1930, She could and would have reversed the decision concerning the deluded approval of Fatima... 

But alas, the Papacy had been abandoned by an ungrateful world, and a church unwilling to defend Her... 

A curse to mankind...!!!

That evil prayer that actually comes from Islam...!!!  Added to every Rosary by that wayward wolf in sheep clothing, shepherding a blinded flock from Portugal...

But pastor dumb dog at your antichrist church will never tell you this...

The three little children would have no way of knowing this so a demonic spirit had to have told them...

The Muslim Koran is where this smut originates...

Oh my jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell...

“Oh, lord! Surely we believe, therefore forgive us our faults and save us from the torment of the fire.”

Aal-e-Imran, Chapter 3, Verse 16

So you go ahead and keep praying to your devil lady....!!!

Disgusting heretical Roman Apostates...!!!

Kneel down and push your forehead into the ground, EXACTLY like the fallen angel told you to, 

And then hit the play button...!!!

Islam conquered Rome at Fatima.  Once you finally see this, things will begin to become clear.

Little wonder why all these occupants of the papal throne have seen fit to kiss the Koran.

They can kiss my ass...!!!

Pope Pius IX was the Angelic Pope, prophesied by the Catholic Mystic for his day.

And Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria was his Great Monarch...!!!

The Three Days of Darkness are upon us. And grosser darkness the people...

Our Saviour lives out His life, vicariously, through His Church.

And having recently completed Her Dolorosa, the Church now, is in the Tomb...

The second Vatican council neither recanted any heresy, nor was the cause of the social maladies that afflict the world and church today...

The Vatican 2ew council was but the incision by the Great Physician, that excised the putrid malification from the Body of Christ that had been festering there for generations, for all the world to see...

Do not confuse the Papal Chair with the Bark of Peter...

Let us hold fast all the dogmas of the faith, inviolate, and pray for deliverance from the Divine judgments that are upon all of mankind; And for the resurrection of the Catholic Church, when we will once again worship God, as in Ancient days...